第 113 节
作者:想聊      更新:2022-08-26 22:13      字数:1802
  Despatch of His Excellency Sir William Denison to Secretary of State; 10th July; 1847。
  Report of a Select Committee 'ut supra'; 1838: Evidence of the Very Rev。 Wm。 Ullathorne; D。D。Q。150…318。
  Report of House of Lords 'ut supra'; 1847: Evidence of Albert Charles Stonor; Esq。; Crown Solicitor of New South Wales Q。5;174…5;197。  Also evidence of Rev。 Wm。 Wilson; D。D。Q。5;545…5;568。
  Correspondence relating to the dismissal of the Rev。 T。  Rogers from his chaplaincy at Norfolk Island; for private circulation。 Launceston: Henry Dowling; 1;846。
  〃Backhouse's Voyages〃 'ut supra'
  Adventures of Martin Cash 'ut supra'; pp。133…141; Cases of George Armstrong; 〃Pine Tree Jack〃; and Alexander Campbell。
  Punishment of the 〃gag〃 and 〃bridle〃。  Correpondence relating to the Rev。 T。 Rogers 'ut supra';pp。 41…43。
  Punishment of the 〃gag〃 and 〃bridle〃。
  Report of a Select Committee 'ut supra'; 1838: Evidence of the Very Rev。 Wm。 Ullathorne; D。D。Q。267:      〃As I mentioned the names of those men who were to die;       they one after another; as their names were pronounced;       dropped on their knees and thanked God that they were       to be delivered from that horrible place; whilst the others       remained standing mute; weeping。  It was the most horrible       scene I have ever witnessed。〃
  Ibidem: Evidence of Colonel George Arthur。Q。4;548。
  Ibidem: Evidence of Sir Francis Forbes。Q。1;119。
  Ibidem: Q。1;335…1;343:
  〃。。。Two or three men murdered their fellow…prisoners;       with the certainty of being detected and executed;       apparently without malice and with very little excitement;       stating that they knew that they should be hanged;       but it was better than being where they were。〃