第 27 节
作者:老是不进球      更新:2022-11-28 19:15      字数:6386
  breakfast; so I crept into the room where it was kept while the
  Princess was dressing and hid myself under a chair。  When Ozma went
  away she closed the door and left her pet on the table。  At once I
  jumped up and told the piglet not to make a fuss; for he would be
  inside of me in half a second; but no one can teach one of these
  creatures to be reasonable。  Instead of keeping still; so I could eat
  him comfortably; he trembled so with fear that he fell off the table
  into a big vase that was standing on the floor。  The vase had a very
  small neck; and spread out at the top like a bowl。  At first the
  piglet stuck in the neck of the vase and I thought I should get him;
  after all; but he wriggled himself through and fell down into the deep
  bottom partand I suppose he's there yet。〃
  All were astonished at this confession; and Ozma at once sent an
  officer to her room to fetch the vase。  When he returned the Princess
  looked down the narrow neck of the big ornament and discovered her
  lost piglet; just as Eureka had said she would。
  There was no way to get the creature out without breaking the vase; so
  the Tin Woodman smashed it with his axe and set the little prisoner free。
  Then the crowd cheered lustily and Dorothy hugged the kitten in her
  arms and told her how delighted she was to know that she was innocent。
  〃But why didn't you tell us at first?〃 she asked。
  〃It would have spoiled the fun;〃 replied the kitten; yawning。
  Ozma gave the Wizard back the piglet he had so kindly allowed Nick
  Chopper to substitute for the lost one; and then she carried her own
  into the apartments of the palace where she lived。  And now; the trial
  being over; the good citizens of the Emerald City scattered to their
  homes; well content with the day's amusement。
  20。  Zeb Returns to the Ranch
  Eureka was much surprised to find herself in disgrace; but she was; in
  spite of the fact that she had not eaten the piglet。  For the folks of
  Oz knew the kitten had tried to commit the crime; and that only an
  accident had prevented her from doing so; therefore even the Hungry
  Tiger preferred not to associate with her。  Eureka was forbidden to
  wander around the palace and was made to stay in confinement in
  Dorothy's room; so she began to beg her mistress to send her to some
  other place where she could enjoy herself better。
  Dorothy was herself anxious to get home; so she promised Eureka they
  would not stay in the Land of Oz much longer。
  The next evening after the trial the little girl begged Ozma to allow
  her to look in the enchanted picture; and the Princess readily
  consented。  She took the child to her room and said: 〃Make your wish;
  dear; and the picture will show the scene you desire to behold。〃
  Then Dorothy found; with the aid of the enchanted picture; that Uncle
  Henry had returned to the farm in Kansas; and she also saw that both
  he and Aunt Em were dressed in mourning; because they thought their
  little niece had been killed by the earthquake。
  〃Really;〃 said the girl; anxiously; 〃I must get back as soon as
  poss'ble to my own folks。〃
  Zeb also wanted to see his home; and although he did not find anyone
  morning for him; the sight of Hugson's Ranch in the picture made him
  long to get back there。
  〃This is a fine country; and I like all the people that live in it;〃
  he told Dorothy。  〃But the fact is; Jim and I don't seem to fit into a
  fairyland; and the old horse has been begging me to go home again ever
  since he lost the race。  So; if you can find a way to fix it; we'll be
  much obliged to you。〃
  〃Ozma can do it; easily;〃 replied Dorothy。  〃Tomorrow morning I'll go
  to Kansas and you can go to Californy。〃
  That last evening was so delightful that the boy will never forget it
  as long as he lives。  They were all together (except Eureka) in the
  pretty rooms of the Princess; and the Wizard did some new tricks; and
  the Scarecrow told stories; and the Tin Woodman sang a love song in a
  sonorous; metallic voice; and everybody laughed and had a good time。
  Then Dorothy wound up Tik…tok and he danced a jig to amuse the
  company; after which the Yellow Hen related some of her adventures
  with the Nome King in the Land of Ev。
  The Princess served delicious refreshments to those who were in the
  habit of eating; and when Dorothy's bed time arrived the company
  separated after exchanging many friendly sentiments。
  Next morning they all assembled for the final parting; and many of the
  officials and courtiers came to look upon the impressive ceremonies。
  Dorothy held Eureka in her arms and bade her friends a fond good…bye。
  〃You must come again; some time;〃 said the little Wizard; and she
  promised she would if she found it possible to do so。
  〃But Uncle Henry and Aunt Em need me to help them;〃 she added; 〃so I
  can't ever be very long away from the farm in Kansas。〃
  Ozma wore the Magic Belt; and; when she had kissed Dorothy farewell
  and had made her wish; the little girl and her kitten disappeared
  in a twinkling。
  〃Where is she?〃 asked Zeb; rather bewildered by the suddenness of it。
  〃Greeting her uncle and aunt in Kansas; by this time;〃 returned Ozma;
  with a smile。
  Then Zeb brought out Jim; all harnessed to the buggy; and took his seat。
  〃I'm much obliged for all your kindness;〃 said the boy; 〃and very
  grateful to you for saving my life and sending me home again after all
  the good times I've had。  I think this is the loveliest country in the
  world; but not being fairies Jim and I feel we ought to be where we
  belongand that's at the ranch。  Good…bye; everybody!〃
  He gave a start and rubbed his eyes。  Jim was trotting along the
  well…known road; shaking his ears and whisking his tail with a
  contented motion。  Just ahead of them were the gates of Hugson's
  Ranch; and Uncle Hugson now came out and stood with uplifted arms and
  wide open mouth; staring in amazement。
  〃Goodness gracious!  It's Zeband Jim; too!〃 he exclaimed。  〃Where in
  the world have you been; my lad?〃
  〃Why; in the world; Uncle;〃 answered Zeb; with a laugh。
  The End