第 41 节
作者:绝对零度      更新:2022-11-28 19:15      字数:2481
  piece    of   steak   would    have    done    it!  He     had   lacked    just  that  for   the
  decisive blow; and he had lost。 It was all because of the piece of steak。
  His seconds were half…supporting him as they helped him through the
  ropes。   He   tore   free   from   them;   ducked   through   the   ropes   unaided;   and
  leaped   heavily   to   the   floor;   following   on   their   heels   as   they   forced   a
  passage   for   him   down   the   crowded   centre   aisle。       Leaving   the   dressing…
  room for the street; in the entrance to the hall; some young fellow spoke to
  〃W'y didn't yuh go in an' get 'im when yuh 'ad 'im?〃 the young fellow
  〃Aw;   go   to   hell!〃   said   Tom   King;   and   passed   down   the   steps   to   the
  The doors of the public…house at the corner were swinging wide; and
  he    saw    the  lights   and    the  smiling     barmaids;     heard    the   many     voices
  discussing      the   fight   and   the   prosperous      chink   of   money     on   the   bar。
  … Page 143…
  Somebody called to him to have a drink。          He hesitated perceptibly; then
  refused and went on his way。
  He   had   not  a  copper   in  his  pocket;  and  the  two…mile   walk   home
  seemed very long。      He was certainly getting old。      Crossing the Domain;
  he sat down suddenly on a bench; unnerved by the thought of the missus
  sitting up for him; waiting to learn the outcome of the fight。           That was
  harder than any knockout; and it seemed almost impossible to face。
  He felt weak and sore; and the pain of his smashed knuckles warned
  him that; even if he could find a job at navvy work; it would be a week
  before he could grip a pick handle or a shovel。        The hunger palpitation at
  the   pit   of   the   stomach   was   sickening。 His   wretchedness   overwhelmed
  him; and into his eyes came an unwonted moisture。            He covered his face
  with his hands; and; as he cried; he remembered Stowsher Bill and how he
  had served him that night in the long ago。        Poor old Stowsher Bill!       He
  could understand now why Bill had cried in the dressing…room。