第 23 节
作者:理性的思索      更新:2022-12-03 20:04      字数:4656
  that the conditions had been bad; but that he had actually succeeded some
  days later in getting on to the plate of Lady Glenconnor; who had been to
  … Page 71…
  Crewe   upon   a   similar   errand。   The   parents   communicated   with   this   lady;
  who replied saying that she had found the image of a stranger upon her
  plate。   On   receiving   a   print   they   at   once   recognised   their   son;   and   could
  even see that; as a proof of identity; he had reproduced the bullet wound
  on his left temple。 No。 3 is their gallant son as he appeared in the flesh; No。
  4 is his reappearance after death。 The opinion of a miniature painter who
  had done a picture of the young soldier is worth recording as evidence of
  identity。 The artist says: 〃After painting the miniature of your son Will; I
  feel I know every turn of his face; and am quite convinced of the likeness
  of the psychic photograph。 All the modelling of the brow; nose and eyes is
  marked   by   illnessespecially   is   the   mouth   slightly   contractedbut   this
  does not interfere with the real form。 The way the hair grows on the brow
  and     temple    is  noticeably     like   the   photograph      taken    before    he   was
  At   the   time   of   this   volume   going   to   press   the   results   obtained   by
  clients of this medium have been forty…two successes out of fifty attempts;
  checked and docketted by the author。 This series forms a most conclusive
  proof   of    spirit   clairvoyance。   An    attempt    has   been   made   by   Mr。   E。   F。
  Benson; who examined some of the letters; to explain the results upon the
  grounds of telepathy。 He admits that 〃The tastes; appearance and character
  of   the   deceased   are   often   given;   and   many   names   are   introduced   by  the
  medium; some not traceable; but most of them identical with relations or
  friends。〃   Such   an   admission   would   alone   banish   thought…reading   as   an
  explanation; for there is no evidence in existence to show that this power
  ever   reaches   such   perfection   that   one   who   possesses   it   could   draw   the
  image of a dead man from your brain; fit a correct name to him; and then
  associate   him  with   all   sorts   of   definite   and   detailed   actions   in   which   he
  was   engaged。   Such   an   explanation   is   not   an   explanation   but   a   pretence。
  But even if one were to allow such a theory to pass; there are numerous
  incidents in these accounts which could not be explained in such a fashion;
  where unknown details have been given which were afterwards verified;
  and   even     where    mistakes    in   thought   upon    the   part   of  the  sitter  were
  … Page 72…
  corrected by the medium under spirit guidance。 Personally I believe that
  the medium's own account of how she gets her remarkable results is the
  absolute truth; and   I can imagine   no other   fashion in which   they can   be
  explained。 She has; of course; her bad days; and the conditions are always
  worst when there is an inquisitorial rather than a religious atmosphere in
  the interview。 This intermittent character of the results is; according to my
  experience; characteristic of spirit clairvoyance as compared with thought…
  reading;   which   can;   in   its   more   perfect   form;   become   almost   automatic
  within certain marked limits。 I may add that the constant practice of some
  psychical researchers to take no notice at all of the medium's own account
  of how  he or she attains results;  but to substitute  some   complicated  and
  unproved explanation of their own; is as insulting as it is unreasonable。 It
  has been alleged as a slur upon Mrs。 B's results and character that she has
  been twice prosecuted by the police。 This is; in fact; not a slur upon the
  medium but rather upon the law; which is in so barbarous a condition that
  the true seer fares no better than the impostor; and that no definite psychic
  principles are recognised。 A medium may under such circumstances be a
  martyr rather than a criminal; and a conviction ceases to be a stain upon
  the character。