第 44 节
作者:点绛唇      更新:2021-02-20 15:52      字数:8316
  the thing ceases to be the unknowable; it becomes the indispensable。
  There can be no doubt; I think; that the idea does exist in our
  time that there is something narrow or irrelevant or even mean
  about attacking a man's religion; or arguing from it in matters
  of politics or ethics。  There can be quite as little doubt that such
  an accusation of narrowness is itself almost grotesquely narrow。
  To take an example from comparatively current events:  we all know
  that it was not uncommon for a man to be considered a scarecrow
  of bigotry and obscurantism because he distrusted the Japanese;
  or lamented the rise of the Japanese; on the ground that the Japanese
  were Pagans。  Nobody would think that there was anything antiquated
  or fanatical about distrusting a people because of some difference
  between them and us in practice or political machinery。
  Nobody would think it bigoted to say of a people; 〃I distrust their
  influence because they are Protectionists。〃  No one would think it
  narrow to say; 〃I lament their rise because they are Socialists;
  or Manchester Individualists; or strong believers in militarism
  and conscription。〃  A difference of opinion about the nature
  of Parliaments matters very much; but a difference of opinion about
  the nature of sin does not matter at all。  A difference of opinion
  about the object of taxation matters very much; but a difference
  of opinion about the object of human existence does not matter at all。
  We have a right to distrust a man who is in a different kind
  of municipality; but we have no right to mistrust a man who is in
  a different kind of cosmos。  This sort of enlightenment is surely
  about the most unenlightened that it is possible to imagine。
  To recur to the phrase which I employed earlier; this is tantamount
  to saying that everything is important with the exception of everything。
  Religion is exactly the thing which cannot be left out
  because it includes everything。  The most absent…minded person
  cannot well pack his Gladstone…bag and leave out the bag。
  We have a general view of existence; whether we like it or not;
  it alters or; to speak more accurately; it creates and involves
  everything we say or do; whether we like it or not。  If we regard
  the Cosmos as a dream; we regard the Fiscal Question as a dream。
  If we regard the Cosmos as a joke; we regard St。 Paul's Cathedral as
  a joke。  If everything is bad; then we must believe (if it be possible)
  that beer is bad; if everything be good; we are forced to the rather
  fantastic conclusion that scientific philanthropy is good。  Every man
  in the street must hold a metaphysical system; and hold it firmly。
  The possibility is that he may have held it so firmly and so long
  as to have forgotten all about its existence。
  This latter situation is certainly possible; in fact; it is the situation
  of the whole modern world。  The modern world is filled with men who hold
  dogmas so strongly that they do not even know that they are dogmas。
  It may be said even that the modern world; as a corporate body;
  holds certain dogmas so strongly that it does not know that they
  are dogmas。  It may be thought 〃dogmatic;〃 for instance; in some
  circles accounted progressive; to assume the perfection or improvement
  of man in another world。  But it is not thought 〃dogmatic〃 to assume
  the perfection or improvement of man in this world; though that idea
  of progress is quite as unproved as the idea of immortality;
  and from a rationalistic point of view quite as improbable。
  Progress happens to be one of our dogmas; and a dogma means
  a thing which is not thought dogmatic。  Or; again; we see nothing
  〃dogmatic〃 in the inspiring; but certainly most startling;
  theory of physical science; that we should collect facts for the sake
  of facts; even though they seem as useless as sticks and straws。
  This is a great and suggestive idea; and its utility may;
  if you will; be proving itself; but its utility is; in the abstract;
  quite as disputable as the utility of that calling on oracles
  or consulting shrines which is also said to prove itself。
  Thus; because we are not in a civilization which believes strongly
  in oracles or sacred places; we see the full frenzy of those who
  killed themselves to find the sepulchre of Christ。  But being in a
  civilization which does believe in this dogma of fact for facts' sake;
  we do not see the full frenzy of those who kill themselves to find
  the North Pole。  I am not speaking of a tenable ultimate utility
  which is true both of the Crusades and the polar explorations。
  I mean merely that we do see the superficial and aesthetic singularity;
  the startling quality; about the idea of men crossing a
  continent with armies to conquer the place where a man died。
  But we do not see the aesthetic singularity and startling quality
  of men dying in agonies to find a place where no man can live
  a place only interesting because it is supposed to be the meeting…place
  of some lines that do not exist。
  Let us; then; go upon a long journey and enter on a dreadful search。
  Let us; at least; dig and seek till we have discovered our own opinions。
  The dogmas we really hold are far more fantastic; and; perhaps; far more
  beautiful than we think。  In the course of these essays I fear that I
  have spoken from time to time of rationalists and rationalism;
  and that in a disparaging sense。  Being full of that kindliness
  which should come at the end of everything; even of a book;
  I apologize to the rationalists even for calling them rationalists。
  There are no rationalists。  We all believe fairy…tales; and live in them。
  Some; with a sumptuous literary turn; believe in the existence of the lady
  clothed with the sun。  Some; with a more rustic; elvish instinct;
  like Mr。 McCabe; believe merely in the impossible sun itself。
  Some hold the undemonstrable dogma of the existence of God;
  some the equally undemonstrable dogma of the existence of the
  man next door。
  Truths turn into dogmas the instant that they are disputed。
  Thus every man who utters a doubt defines a religion。  And the scepticism
  of our time does not really destroy the beliefs; rather it creates them;
  gives them their limits and their plain and defiant shape。
  We who are Liberals once held Liberalism lightly as a truism。
  Now it has been disputed; and we hold it fiercely as a faith。
  We who believe in patriotism once thought patriotism to be reasonable;
  and thought little more about it。  Now we know it to be unreasonable;
  and know it to be right。  We who are Christians never knew the great
  philosophic common sense which inheres in that mystery until
  the anti…Christian writers pointed it out to us。  The great march
  of mental destruction will go on。  Everything will be denied。
  Everything will become a creed。  It is a reasonable position
  to deny the stones in the street; it will be a religious dogma
  to assert them。  It is a rational thesis that we are all in a dream;
  it will be a mystical sanity to say that we are all awake。
  Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four。
  Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer。
  We shall be left defending; not only the incredible virtues
  and sanities of human life; but something more incredible still;
  this huge impossible universe which stares us in the face。
  We shall fight for visible prodigies as if they were invisible。  We shall
  look on the impossible grass and the skies with a strange courage。
  We shall be of those who have seen and yet have believed。