第 16 节
作者:尘小春      更新:2021-02-21 10:15      字数:796
  dome shall enjoy all the three essentiall parts of Traffique under good and Politike Government; which will bee Free Trade effectually or in deed。 And this will also bee admirable in the eyes of other Princes; finding his Majesties wisdome to bee Transcendent in Governing of his owne; which (by so many sendings and remissions of Ambassadours unto forraine Princes and States by his Noble Predecessours:) could never bee effected; as by divers Records appeareth; albeit there was nothing required of them; but what did stand with the Rule of Equality and Equitie; which cannot erre: But velut Ariadne caeca regens filo vestigia; non modo nos errare non finit; sed etiam efficit; ut aberrantes in Rectam viam deducamur。
  Soli Deo Gloria