第 3 节
作者:上访不如上网      更新:2021-02-21 15:18      字数:7181
  he could frame his words; they passed into the shadows。  Horrocks
  pointed to the canal close before them now: a weird…looking place
  it seemed; in the blood…red reflections of the furnaces。  The hot
  water that cooled the tuyeres came into it; some fifty yards up
  a tumultuous; almost boiling affluent; and the steam rose up from
  the water in silent white wisps and streaks; wrapping damply about
  them; an incessant succession of ghosts coming up from the black
  and red eddies; a white uprising that made the head swim。  The
  shining black tower of the larger blast…furnace rose overhead out
  of the mist; and its tumultuous riot filled their ears。  Raut kept
  away from the edge of the water; and watched Horrocks。
  〃Here it is red;〃 said Horrocks; 〃blood…red vapour as red and
  hot as sin; but yonder there; where the moonlight falls on it; and
  it drives across the clinker…heaps; it is as white as death。〃
  Raut turned his head for a moment; and then came back hastily
  to his watch on Horrocks。  〃Come along to the rolling…mills;〃 said
  Horrocks。  The threatening hold was not so evident that time; and
  Raut felt a little reassured。  But all the same; what on earth did
  Horrocks mean about 〃white as death〃 and 〃red as sin?〃
  Coincidence; perhaps?
  They went and stood behind the puddlers for a little while;
  and then through the rolling…mills; where amidst an incessant din
  the deliberate steam…hammer beat the juice out of the succulent
  iron; and black; half…naked Titans rushed the plastic bars; like
  hot sealing…wax; between the wheels。  〃Come on;〃 said Horrocks in
  Raut's ear; and they went and peeped through the little glass hole
  behind the tuyeres; and saw the tumbled fire writhing in the pit of
  the blast…furnace。  It left one eye blinded for a while。  Then;
  with green and blue patches dancing across the dark; they went to
  the lift by which the trucks of ore and fuel and lime were raised
  to the top of the big cylinder。
  And out upon the narrow rail that overhung the furnace; Raut's
  doubts came upon him again。  Was it wise to be here?  If Horrocks
  did knoweverything!  Do what he would; he could not resist a
  violent trembling。  Right under foot was a sheer depth of seventy
  feet。  It was a dangerous place。  They pushed by a truck of fuel to
  get to the railing that crowned the place。  The reek of the
  furnace; a sulphurous vapor streaked with pungent bitterness;
  seemed to make the distant hillside of Hanley quiver。  The moon was
  riding out now from among a drift of clouds; halfway up the sky
  above the undulating wooded outlines of Newcastle。  The steaming
  canal ran away from below them under an indistinct bridge; and
  vanished into the dim haze of the flat fields towards Burslem。
  〃That's the cone I've been telling you of;〃 shouted Horrocks;
  〃and; below that; sixty feet of fire and molten metal; with the air
  of the blast frothing through it like gas in soda…water。〃
  Raut gripped the hand…rail tightly; and stared down at the
  cone。  The heat was intense。  The boiling of the iron and the
  tumult of the blast made a thunderous accompaniment to Horrocks'
  voice。  But the thing had to be gone through now。  Perhaps; after
  all 。 。 。
  〃In the middle;〃 bawled Horrocks; 〃temperature near a thousand
  degrees。  If YOU were dropped into it 。 。 。 。 flash into
  flame like a pinch of gunpowder in a candle。  Put your hand out and
  feel the heat of his breath。  Why; even up here I've seen the
  rain…water boiling off the trucks。  And that cone there。  It's a
  damned sight too hot for roasting cakes。  The top side of it's
  three hundred degrees。〃
  〃Three hundred degrees!〃 said Raut。
  〃Three hundred centigrade; mind!〃 said Horrocks。  〃It will
  boil the blood out of you in no time。〃
  〃Eigh?〃 said Raut; and turned。
  〃Boil the blood out of you in 。 。 。 No; you don't!〃
  〃Let me go!〃 screamed Raut。  〃Let go my arm!〃
  With one hand he clutched at the hand…rail; then with both。
  For a moment the two men stood swaying。  Then suddenly; with a
  violent jerk; Horrocks had twisted him from his hold。  He clutched
  at Horrocks and missed; his foot went back into empty air; in
  mid…air he twisted himself; and then cheek and shoulder and knee
  struck the hot cone together。
  He clutched the chain by which the cone hung; and the thing
  sank an infinitesimal amount as he struck it。  A circle of glowing
  red appeared about him; and a tongue of flame; released from the
  chaos within; flickered up towards him。  An intense pain assailed
  him at the knees; and he could smell the singeing of his hands。  He
  raised himself to his feet; and tried to climb up the chain; and
  then something struck his head。  Black and shining with the
  moonlight; the throat of the furnace rose about him。
  Horrocks; he saw; stood above him by one of the trucks of fuel
  on the rail。  The gesticulating figure was bright and white in the
  moonlight; and shouting; 〃Fizzle; you fool!  Fizzle; you hunter of
  women!  You hot…blooded hound!  Boil! boil! boil!〃
  Suddenly he caught up a handful of coal out of the truck; and
  flung it deliberately; lump after lump; at Raut。
  〃Horrocks!〃 cried Raut。  〃Horrocks!〃
  He clung crying to the chain; pulling himself up from the
  burning of the cone。  Each missile Horrocks flung hit him。  His
  clothes charred and glowed; and as he struggled the cone dropped;
  and a rush of hot suffocating gas whooped out and burned round him
  in a swift breath of flame。
  His human likeness departed from him。  When the momentary red
  had passed; Horrocks saw a charred; blackened figure; its head
  streaked with blood; still clutching and fumbling with the chain;
  and writhing in agonya cindery animal; an inhuman; monstrous
  creature that began a sobbing intermittent shriek。
  Abruptly; at the sight; the ironmaster's anger passed。  A
  deadly sickness came upon him。  The heavy odour of burning flesh
  came drifting up to his nostrils。  His sanity returned to him。
  〃God have mercy upon me!〃 he cried。  〃O God! what have I
  He knew the thing below him; save that it still moved and
  felt; was already a dead manthat the blood of the poor wretch
  must be boiling in his veins。  An intense realisation of that agony
  came to his mind; and overcame every other feeling。  For a moment
  he stood irresolute; and then; turning to the truck; he hastily
  tilted its contents upon the struggling thing that had once been a
  man。  The mass fell with a thud; and went radiating over the cone。
  With the thud the shriek ended; and a boiling confusion of smoke;
  dust; and flame came rushing up towards him。  As it passed; he saw
  the cone clear again。
  Then he staggered back; and stood trembling; clinging to the
  rail with both hands。  His lips moved; but no words came to them。
  Down below was the sound of voices and running steps。  The
  clangour of rolling in the shed ceased abruptly。