第 34 节
作者:无边的寒冷      更新:2021-02-24 21:54      字数:2393
  begged   forgiveness   from Tom  and   his   friends;   which   was   granted;   in   as
  much as no real harm had been done。 Waddington was but a tool in the
  hands of the rival contractors; who deserted him in his hour of need。 His
  last   hours;    however;     were   made     as  comfortable      as  possible    by   the
  generosity of Tom and Mr。 Damon。
  No effort was made to bring Blakeson & Grinder to justice; as there
  was no evidence against them after Waddington died。 And; as the tunnel
  was finished; the Titus brothers had no further cause for worry。
  〃But if it had   not been  for Tom's big   blast;  and the   discovery  of   the
  … Page 140…
  hidden city of Pelone just in the right place; we might be digging at that
  tunnel yet;〃 said Job Titus。
  The   day   before   the   steamer   was   to   sail; Tom   Swift   received   a   cable
  message。  Its   receipt   seemed   to   fill   him  with   delight;   so   that   Mr。   Damon
  〃Is it from your father; Tom?〃
  〃No it's from Mary Nestor。 She says her father has forgiven me。 They
  have been away; and Mary has been ill; which accounts for no letters up to
  now。 But everything is all right now; and they feel that the dynamite trick
  wasn't my fault。 But; all the same; I'm going to teach Eradicate to read;〃
  concluded Tom。
  〃I think it would be a good idea;〃 agreed Mr。 Damon。
  Tom; Mr。 Damon and Koku; bidding farewell to the friends they had
  made in Peru; went。 aboard the steamer; Job Titus and his brother coming
  to see them off。
  〃Give    us   an  option   on   all  that  explosive   you   make;    Tom    Swift!〃
  begged Walter Titus。   〃We  were   so   successful   with this   tunnel;  thanks   to
  you; that the government is going to have us dig another。 Will you come
  down and help?〃
  〃Maybe;〃 said Tom; with a smile。 〃But I'm going home first;〃 and once
  more he read the message from Mary Nestor。
  And as Tom; on the deck of the steamer; waved his hands to Professor
  Bumper and his other friends whom he was leaving in Peru; we also; will
  say farewell。