第 48 节
作者:孤独半圆      更新:2021-02-24 22:24      字数:7537
  smile; 〃or else they do not listenbut no one has ever yet taken my advice!
  Do you wet your hair when you part it; sir?〃
  〃What;〃 said Cleggett; carefully concealing from Walter the fact that
  he spoke of himself; 〃would           be your advice to a man with 100;000 who
  wished to double it in a few weeks?〃
  〃Double it!〃 cried Walter。         〃Why; I could show such a person how to
  multiply   it   by   ten   inside   of   two   months。〃  And   he   rapidly   outlined   to
  Cleggett   a   scheme   so   audacious   and   so   brilliant   that   it   fairly   took   our
  hero's breath away。       Moreover; it stood the test of reflection; it was sound。
  Not to descend to the sordid details; in three weeks Cleggett found himself
  possessed of a million dollars' gain。          Half of this he gave to the excellent
  Walter;    and   in   three  months     ran   the  other   half  million    up  to  twenty
  Then     he   withdrew      permanently      from    business;    as   Lady    Agatha
  complained that it took too much of his time; moreover; he shrank from
  notoriety; which his stock market operations were beginning to bring upon
  Giuseppe Jones; who recovered of his wounds; forswore anarchy and
  … Page 186…
  became   a   newspaper   reporter;   and   grew   to   be   a   fast   friend   of   Cleggett;
  who discovered that he was a lad of parts。              Cleggett eventually made him
  president   of   a   college   of   journalism   which   he   founded。      While   he   was
  establishing   the   institution   the   man   Wharton;   his   old   managing   editor;
  broken; shattered; out of work; and a hopeless drunkard; came to him and
  begged for a position。         The man had sunk so low that he was repeatedly
  arrested     for   pretending     to   be   blind   on   the   street   corners;    and   had
  debauched an innocent dog to assist in this deception。                   Cleggett forgave
  him the slights of many years and made him an assistant janitor in the new
  college of journalism。
  The    post   is  a  sinecure;    and   well   within    even    the  man    Wharton's
  Cap'n   Abernethy   travels   with   the   Cleggetts   a   great   deal;   under   the
  hallucination;      which    they   humor;    that   he  is  of  service    to  them。    The
  children are very fond of him。             At Claiborne   Castle Cleggett   has had   a
  shallow   lake   constructed   for   him。       There   the   Captain;   still   firm   in   the
  belief that he is a sailor; loves to potter about with catboats and rafts。
  Dr。 Farnsworth enjoys a lucrative position as physician to the Cleggett
  family; and Kuroki is their butler。
  By 1925 the prejudice against militants had abated in certain exalted
  circles in England; and Lady Agatha Cleggett and her husband were much
  at court。
  Cleggett; hating notoriety; had endeavored to conceal the story of his
  adventures   along   the   dangerous   coasts   of   Long   Island;   but   concealment
  was   impossible。       After   the   death   of   the   old   Earl   of   Claiborne;   and   the
  demise of Reginald Maltravers; and Cleggett's purchase of the Claiborne
  estate; the King wished Cleggett to take the title of Earl of Claiborne。
  His Majesty sent the Premier to sound Cleggett upon the matter。
  〃No; no;〃   said   Cleggett   affably。      〃I   couldn't think   of  it。   I  am  quite
  democratic; you know。〃
  The second time the King sent one of the Royal Dukes to see Cleggett。
  They were at a house party in Wales; and Cleggett was a little disturbed
  … Page 187…
  that this business affair should be brought up at a gathering so distinctly
  social in its nature。      He was too tactful to let it be seen; but secretly he
  felt that in approaching the matter in that fashion the Duke had erred in
  〃But we need men like you in the House of Lords;〃 pleaded the Duke。
  〃I cannot think of it;〃 said Cleggett。        And then; not wishing to hurt the
  Englishman's feelings; he said kindly:             〃But I will promise you this: if I
  should     change     my    mind    and    decide    to  become      a  member      of   any
  aristocracy at all; it will be the English aristocracy。〃
  The Duke thanked Cleggett for the compliment; and Cleggett thought
  he had heard the end of it。
  He was; therefore; surprised; a few weeks later; as he was conversing
  with the   King   at   Buckingham  Palace; when   His Majesty  himself;   laying
  his hand familiarly on Cleggett's shoulder; renewed the petition in person。
  It is hard to refuse things continually without seeming unappreciative。                  In
  fact;   Cleggett   felt   trapped;   if   the   truth   must   be   known;   he   was   a   little
  〃Come; come; Cleggett;〃 said the King; 〃lay aside your prejudices and
  oblige   me。     After   all;   it   is   not   the   sort   of   thing   I   run   about   offering   to
  every American in London!〃
  〃Your Majesty;〃 said Cleggett; politely but with a note of firmness and
  finality in his voice; 〃since you mention the word American you force me
  to speak plainly。       I   would not   willingly  wound your sensibilities   in   any
  particular; butpardon   me   if I   am  directyou have been   very  persistent。
  I AM   an American;   your   Majesty;   and   I   consider   the   honor   of   being   an
  American citizen far above any that it is within your power to bestow。                    If
  I have not mentioned this before; it was because I did not wish to hurt you。
  I hope our friendship will not cease; but I must tell you flatly that I desire
  to hear no more of this。         You will oblige me by not mentioning it again;
  Your Majesty。〃
  The King begged Cleggett's pardon with a becoming sincerity; and was
  about    to  withdraw。      Cleggett;    who    liked   him   immensely;      was   sudden
  … Page 188…
  smitten with a regret that it had been so impossible to oblige him。
  〃Your   Majesty;〃   he   cried   impulsively;   〃I   BEG   of   you   not   to   get   the
  idea that there is anything personal in this refusal。〃
  〃I   respect   principle;〃   said   the   King   gravely。   But   he   WAS   hurt   and
  could not help showing it; and he was a little stiff。
  〃We will compromise;〃 said Cleggett; with a flash of inspiration。
  〃I will let you have my second son; Athos Cleggett。                   You may make
  him Earl of Claiborne; if you choose。             After all; HE is half English!〃
  〃That   is   like   your   generosity;   Cleggett;〃   said   the   King;   smiling;   and
  giving Cleggett his hand。
  End Project Gutenberg Etext of The Cruise of the Jasper B。