第 6 节
作者:津鸿一瞥      更新:2021-02-27 03:00      字数:3164
  could do nothing。 But I watched the criminal news; knowing that sooner
  or later I should get him。 Then came the death of this Ronald Adair。
  My chance had come at last。 Knowing what I did; was it not certain
  that Colonel Moran had done it? He had played cards with the lad; he
  had followed him home from the club; he had shot him through the
  open window。 There was not a doubt of it。 The bullets alone are enough
  to put his head in a noose。 I came over at once。 I was seen by the
  sentinel; who would; I knew; direct the colonel's attention to my
  presence。 He could not fail to connect my sudden return with his
  crime; and to be terribly alarmed。 I was sure that he would make an
  attempt to get me out of the way at once; and would bring round his
  murderous weapon for that purpose。 I left him an excellent mark in the
  window; and; having warned the police that they might be needed… by
  the way; Watson; you spotted their presence in that doorway with
  unerring accuracy… I took up what seemed to me to be a judicious
  post for observation; never dreaming that he would choose the same
  spot for his attack。 Now; my dear Watson; does anything remain for
  me to explain?〃
  〃Yes;〃 said I。 〃You have not made it clear what was Colonel
  Moran's motive in murdering the Honourable Ronald Adair?〃
  〃Ah! my dear Watson; there we come into those realms of
  conjecture; where the most logical mind may be at fault。 Each may form
  his own hypothesis upon the present evidence; and yours is as likely
  to be correct as mine。〃
  〃You have formed one; then?〃
  〃I think that it is not difficult to explain the facts。 It came
  out in evidence that Colonel Moran and young Adair had; between
  them; won a considerable amount of money。 Now; undoubtedly played
  foul… of that I have long been aware。 I believe that on the day of the
  murder Adair had discovered that Moran was cheating。 Very likely he
  had spoken to him privately; and had threatened to expose him unless
  he voluntarily resigned his membership of the club; and promised not
  to play cards again。 It is unlikely that a youngster like Adair
  would at once make a hideous scandal by exposing a well known man so
  much older than himself。 Probably he acted as I suggest。 The exclusion
  from his clubs would mean ruin to Moran; who lived by his ill…gotten
  card…gains。 He therefore murdered Adair; who at the time was
  endeavouring to work out how much money he should himself return;
  since he could not profit by his partner's foul play。 He locked the
  door lest the ladies should surprise him and insist upon knowing
  what he was doing with these names and coins。 Will it pass?〃
  〃I have no doubt that you have hit upon the truth。〃
  〃It will be verified or disproved at the trial。 Meanwhile; come what
  may; Colonel Moran will trouble us no more。 The famous air…gun of
  Von Herder will embellish the Scotland Yard Museum; and once again Mr。
  Sherlock Holmes is free to devote his life to examining those
  interesting little problems which the complex life of London so
  plentifully presents。〃