第 9 节
作者:想聊      更新:2021-03-11 17:49      字数:3761
  six   months   afterwards   the   Marquess   of   Montalva   and   Signor   Rulli;   his
  secretary;   were   both   murdered   in   their   rooms   at   the   Hotel   Escurial   at
  Madrid。   The   crime   was   ascribed   to   Nihilism;   and   the   murderers   were
  never arrested。 Inspector Baynes visited us at Baker Street with a printed
  description of the dark face of the secretary; and of the masterful features;
  the magnetic black eyes; and the tufted brows of his master。 We could not
  doubt that justice; if belated; had come at last。
  〃A chaotic case; my dear Watson;〃 said Holmes over an evening pipe。
  〃It will not be possible for you to present in that compact form which is
  dear     to  your   heart。   It  covers    two   continents;    concerns     two    groups    of
  mysterious persons; and is further complicated by the highly respectable
  presence of our   friend; Scott Eccles;   whose inclusion shows   me that   the
  deceased   Garcia   had   a   scheming   mind   and   a   well…developed   instinct   of
  self…   preservation。   It   is   remarkable   only   for   the   fact   that   amid   a   perfect
  jungle of possibilities we; with our worthy collaborator; the inspector; have
  kept our close hold on the essentials and so been guided along the crooked
  and winding path。 Is there any point which is not quite clear to you?〃
  〃The object of the mulatto cook's return?〃
  〃I think that the strange creature in the kitchen may account for it。 The
  man was a primitive savage from the backwoods of San Pedro; and this
  was his fetish。 When his companion and he had fled to some prearranged
  retreatalready occupied; no doubt by a confederatethe companion had
  … Page 31…
  The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge
  persuaded him  to leave  so   compromising an article  of furniture。  But  the
  mulatto's heart was with it; and he was driven back to it next day; when; on
  reconnoitering        through     the   window;      he   found    policeman       Walters    in
  possession。      He    waited     three   days    longer;   and    then   his   piety   or   his
  superstition drove him to try once more。 Inspector Baynes; who; with his
  usual     astuteness;     had   minimized       the   incident    before    me;    had    really
  recognized   its   importance   and   had   left   a   trap   into   which   the       creature
  walked。 Any other point; Watson?〃
  〃The torn bird; the pail of blood; the charred bones; all the mystery of
  that weird kitchen?〃
  Holmes smiled as he turned up an entry in his note…book。
  〃I spent a morning in the British Museum reading up on that and other
  points。 Here is a quotation from Eckermann's Voodooism and the Negroid
  〃'The true voodoo…worshipper attempts nothing of importance without
  certain   sacrifices   which   are   intended   to   propitiate   his   unclean   gods。   In
  extreme   cases   these   rites   take the   form  of   human   sacrifices   followed   by
  cannibalism。 The more usual victims are a white cock; which is plucked in
  pieces alive; or a black goat; whose throat is cut and body burned。'
  〃So   you   see   our   savage   friend   was   very   orthodox   in   his   ritual。   It   is
  grotesque;  Watson;〃   Holmes   added;   as   he   slowly   fastened   his   notebook;
  〃but;   as   I   have   had   occasion   to   remark;   there   is   but   one   step   from   the
  grotesque to the horrible。〃