第 71 节
作者:铲除不公      更新:2021-10-21 08:52      字数:3537
  They could not stay so long to…night as on that earlier and more
  cheerful occasion; and the final adieus were spoken at an early
  hour。  It was no mere playing at departure; as when they had gone to
  Exonbury barracks; and there was a warm and prolonged shaking of
  hands all round。
  'You'll wish the poor fellows good…bye?' said Bob to Anne; who had
  not come forward for that purpose like the rest。  'They are going
  away; and would like to have your good word。'
  She then shyly advanced; and every man felt that he must make some
  pretty speech as he shook her by the hand。
  'Good…bye!  May you remember us as long as it makes ye happy; and
  forget us as soon as it makes ye sad;' said Sergeant Brett。
  'Good…night!  Health; wealth; and long life to ye!' said
  Sergeant…major Wills; taking her hand from Brett。
  'I trust to meet ye again as the wife of a worthy man;' said
  Trumpeter Buck。
  'We'll drink your health throughout the campaign; and so good…bye
  t'ye;' said Saddler…sergeant Jones; raising her hand to his lips。
  Three others followed with similar remarks; to each of which Anne
  blushingly replied as well as she could; wishing them a prosperous
  voyage; easy conquest; and a speedy return。
  But; alas; for that!  Battles and skirmishes; advances and retreats;
  fevers and fatigues; told hard on Anne's gallant friends in the
  coming time。  Of the seven upon whom these wishes were bestowed;
  five; including the trumpet…major; were dead men within the few
  following years; and their bones left to moulder in the land of
  their campaigns。
  John lingered behind。  When the others were outside; expressing a
  final farewell to his father; Bob; and Mrs。 Loveday; he came to
  Anne; who remained within。
  'But I thought you were going to look in again before leaving?' she
  said gently。
  'No; I find I cannot。  Good…bye!'
  'John;' said Anne; holding his right hand in both hers; 'I must tell
  you something。  You were wise in not taking me at my word that day。
  I was greatly mistaken about myself。  Gratitude is not love; though
  I wanted to make it so for the time。  You don't call me thoughtless
  for what I did?'
  'My dear Anne;' cried John; with more gaiety than truthfulness;
  'don't let yourself be troubled!  What happens is for the best。
  Soldiers love here to…day and there to…morrow。  Who knows that you
  won't hear of my attentions to some Spanish maid before a month is
  gone by?  'Tis the way of us; you know; a soldier's heart is not
  worth a week's purchaseha; ha!  Goodbye; good…bye!'
  Anne felt the expediency of his manner; received the affectation as
  real; and smiled her reply; not knowing that the adieu was for
  evermore。  Then with a tear in his eye he went out of the door;
  where he bade farewell to the miller; Mrs。 Loveday; and Bob; who
  said at parting; 'It's all right; Jack; my dear fellow。  After a
  coaxing that would have been enough to win three ordinary
  Englishwomen; five French; and ten Mulotters; she has to…day agreed
  to bestow her hand upon me at the end of six months。  Good…bye;
  Jack; good…bye!'
  The candle held by his father shed its waving light upon John's face
  and uniform as with a farewell smile he turned on the doorstone;
  backed by the black night; and in another moment he had plunged into
  the darkness; the ring of his smart step dying away upon the bridge
  as he joined his companions…in…arms; and went off to blow his
  trumpet till silenced for ever upon one of the bloody battle…fields
  of Spain。